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Help support me in my fight against childhood cancer!

THON has been a part of my life since before I can remember. I recall watching the Final Four hours with my parents, wondering how much money they were going to raise that year, if they were going to beat the record from the last. I knew that when I got to Penn State I wanted to join THON, and that was one of the first things I did when I stepped on campus.

Penn State THON is a student run philanthropy that raises money to fight childhood cancer. 96 cents of every dollar raised is used to support children and families in these efforts. THON hosts events and challenges year round to raise money and give families the support of the community. All of our hard work supports THON Weekend itself, where dancers stand for 46 hours straight to raise awareness to our cause.

Since that moment, THON has been a huge part of my life. Giving children and families the opportunity to make more memories has been something I am honored to be a part of. Families have the chance to spend more time with their sick children, not stressing about medical bills or how they are going to pay for the next round of treatment. Our events give them hope and something to look forward to in the future – something to fight for. Because of this community, kids get to be kids. THON has shown me how to fight for a cause bigger than myself, and has helped shape me into the person I am today. I have made beautiful friendships and experienced amazing moments. Now, it’s my turn to give back and stand for 46 hours to join this fight.

My freshman year at Penn State I served on a Rules and Regulations Committee helping to keep the THON Community safe. Knowing I wanted to get more involved, I applied (and was chosen to be!) a Development Captain my sophomore year, connecting donors to our mission and spreading it throughout the nation. I also had the opportunity to lead a First Year Committee and help spread the magic of THON to those just stepping onto campus. This was the first year I fully experienced the magic of THON and how important it is to help the families that are not able to fight. I continued the action my junior year, serving on the Supply Logistics Committee as the Benefitting and Engagement Coordinator, in charge of thanking and benefitting our generous donors who joined us in our mission. This year, I was selected to be on the Special Events Committee as the Event Accessibility and Inclusivity Captain, focused on improving events throughout the year to enhance the experience for all attendees and maximize inclusivity efforts at these events.

Now, I am hoping to stand for 46 hours straight to help families and give back to the THON Community. With your help, I can achieve this goal – feel free to reach out with any questions or comments!

Thank you for your support, all For The Kids.


JuIia and I at THON 2023!

SL 2023 at Family Carnival, a Pre-THON Event

DEV 2022 - my sophomore year captain committee!

Jamie and The Giant Pinto Beans - the First Year Committee that I led!
